That worked a few times for me but now doesn't. Actually restart wouldn't work 
but stopping and starting did.

Think it's a script change? Or an nfs update?


On Thursday 19 June 2003 08:53 am, Andrew Gaffney wrote:
> Robert Cole wrote:
> > Recently and I'm not sure of exactly when because I don't reboot very
> > often, I've been getting an error when nfs tries to load on my server and
> > none of the exports are available. Here is the error:
> >
> >  * Exporting NFS directories...
> > /sbin/ line 527: 15453 Killed                $exportfs -r  [
> > ok ]
> I've been seeing this for a few weeks on my box. For me, just doing
> '/etc/init.d/nfs restart' takes care of it.

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