> > Perhaps I will install gentoo from scratch when I have time..

> This is not a proper solution.  Just because one app doesn't work does not
> mean you should automatically re-install; this isnt

I know but nobody seems to have a solution for this problem :-/

>  I suggest that you use the full path to
> startkde (/usr/kde/3.1/bin/startkde) in your ~/.xinitrc.

It does not matter how I start KDE, it always crashes. I tried your suggestion 
also :)

KDE starts up, but as soon as it tries to restore the session, it crashes.
In the console I can read 2 lines:
Session Management error: Could not open network socket

the rest is scrolled of the screen
Perhaps that is en error I must solve? 

When using startx, I can only start KDE as root :-/


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