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Either you passed the kernel the wrong root option, or you didn't
include reiserfs. I've done that before :) I've also forgotten to
include devfs. Its either that or I get my grub.conf wrong...its always
something :)

Alberto Bert wrote:
| On Jun 27 at 03:21PM+0200, Alexander Puchmayr wrote:
|>On Friday 27 June 2003 15:02, Alberto Bert wrote:
|>>I'm trying to install gentoo (it's the first time) on a toshiba 5200-801
|>>I followed the installation instruction on the gentoo site but I've got
|>>a big problem.
|>>Grub seems to work, but when I select gentoo it prints for a moment on
|>>screen the title I set in grub, then everything becomes black, the Caps
|>>Lock kye start blinking (???) and I can do nothing else than switching
|>>off :-(
|>>Anyone has an idea in what's going on?
|>Seems as if your vga mode of the framebuffer is not compatible with the
|>graphics board. Try "vga=off" (or similar, don't know exactly) to see the
|>boot messages.
| yes, it was! Now I can see messages (I simply put away that vga
| argument) and exactly I have a kernel panic:
| VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:04
| I have a reiserfs for root, can it be a problem?
| Maybe it's something related to grub commands...
| I have:
| hda1 win
| hda2 /boot
| hda3 /swap
| hda4 /
| and this is the command in grub:
| root (hda0,1)
| kernel (hda0,1)/boot/bzImage root=/dev/hda4
| I'll check if I put all reiserfs stuf in kernel
| Thanks
| Alberto
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