On 28 Jun 2003 22:30:50 +0200
Martin Schlemmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> That really gets to me - sorda being called down as having dark
> intentions.
> Maybe one of the reasons I rather get in bed and watch a movie after
> getting home at 8-11pm these days.

Don't let them get to you, really. There are just so many whiners, the
rest of us are really happy about what we've got. I for one am really
grateful for all gentoo devs working for a better distribution.

As I see it, a good distribution is worth supporting, both getting
involved and financially. I don't care if gentoo was for-profit and even
profitable. Gentoo just happens to be the best distribution out there
(for me at least), and I don't see any reason not to support it.

I like the idea that supporting gentoo is voluntary, and what I like
even more is that you don't have to buy a bunch of cds (full of
yesterdays software) and a couple of manuals to give support. The
donations go directly to gentoo without another useless boxed
distribution in the shelf. 

Now it appears that gentoo is in need for additional donations, since
you're giving back some servers(?) and other stuff. I don't have very
much money right now, but you can still expect to get some of it. It's
really not much, but I hope that others will see the situation as it is
and chip in also.

Keep up the good work :)


"So act that your principle of action might safely be made a law for
the whole world." - Immanuel Kant

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