Since you are using 1.4, maybe you can answer a question I have about
it.  How does it handle signitures?  Does it still add your signiture to
the bottom of the entire e-mail, even if replying top-style?

Thanks!  Hopefully it'll go stable soon

-Jon "GenKiller" Gaudette

On Sun, 2003-06-29 at 12:04, Steven R. Ringwald wrote:
> I apologise in advance if this question has already been asked. 
> Any idea when the Evolution 1.4 ebuild is going to "blessed" as being
> as stable as the 1.2.4 ebuild? I have been using it for a day or two,
> and it seems to be as stable as the 1.2 series so far. I know that my
> results may be different than other people's; just wondering what
> others thought.
> Thanks!
> Steve Ringwald

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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