On Sun, 2003-06-29 at 09:37, Jon Gaudette wrote:
Since you are using 1.4, maybe you can answer a question I have about
it.  How does it handle signatures?  Does it still add your signature to
the bottom of the entire e-mail, even if replying top-style?

As far as I have been able to tell, yes, unfortunately. I submitted a bug-report a long while back stating that while they may prefer bottom-centric emails, there are corporations out there looking to get away from Exchange/Outlook that require top-posting. I should know; I watched a 1000 client-license opportunity for Ximian Connector die just for that reason. Netiquette is one thing; corporate policy is sometimes quite another.

Thanks!  Hopefully it'll go stable soon

Yeah. I am hoping the same thing. As I mentioned, seems as stable (if not more so) than the "currently available" and seems to be at least 2x faster.


Steven R. Ringwald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Asric Consulting Services

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