i've spent working 11-hour shifts.  i'm going to continue on a similar
schedule for the next three or four days. we're building, burning-in, and
shipping many hundreds of units, all of which i did the software for.

they're all running gentoo.

seeing 150 machines all on and running at once is quite a sight.  knowing
that they're running the coolest distro ever makes it that much cooler.

i just wish we had more time before we ship them so i could make a cluster
out of them.... heh.


 Rev. Jeffrey Paul    -datavibe-     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   aim:x736e65616b   pgp:0x15FA257E   phone:8777483467
    70E0 B896 D5F3 8BF4 4BEE 2CCF EF2F BA28 15FA 257E

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