On Fri, 2003-07-04 at 18:22, Jamie Dobbs wrote:
> The current version of lm-sensors (2.7.0-r1) can't be emerged with the
> current kernel (from gentoo-sources). I get the following error:
> !! ERROR: sys-apps/lm-sensors-2.7.0-r1 failed.
> !!! Function src_compile, Line 45, Exitcode 2
> !!! lm_sensors requires the source of a compatible kernel\nversion
> installed in /usr/src/linux and >=i2c-2.7.0 support built as a modules
> this support is included in gentoo-sources as of 2.4.20-r1
> I'm guessing that this won't be 'do-able' until there is some kind of
> kernel update?
> Can anyone give me any advice

I had the same error when I set it up on my computer.

Read this forum thread:

It will tell you what modules to install in your kernel.

One thing it doesn't say is you need to modprobe those modules
_before_ you emerge lm-sensors. At least that worked for me.

Hope that helps,

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