I will try vga=ask

if my wife gives me some time today on the laptop. She is really angry on me for spending 24 hrs on computer :((

downtime null wrote:
i have all 3 of those in my .config and i still get a black screen
when i pass 'vga=791' to the kernel. i can use 'vga=ask' and pick one
and that works fine (but no little tux :( ). i know that these are
really to different modes, but i can't understand why one works and
the other doesn't. i didn't have any problem with mode 791 (0x317)
with my old kernel, but 2.5.73 doesn't seem to like it.

On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 01:00:49PM -0600, Rob Snow wrote:
I can't help you with the mouse problem, however, the blank screen while booting is 
probably due to missing: 
in your kernel config while having a vga=791 (or some such) in your lilo.conf.  You 
might not need all those, but it shouldn't hurt to put them all in. 

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