begin  quote
On Sun, 13 Jul 2003 02:33:25 -0500
Ian Truelsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Okay, this is where I get to look all sheepish, but I have never been
> able to figure out the patch command. The man page itself does not
> clear anything up and I haven't been able to find anything via google
> that is not just a reprint of the man page or simply a reference to
> use patch.
> Can anyone point me to a good reference for how to use patch?

patch reads a patch file (as generated by diff) from standard in.

so either 
  cat file.patch |patch
  patch < file.patch

They are the same.

patch also takes some options to mangle the incoming patch in different
ways, most notorious of theese is the -p command, which simply tells it
how many parts (from left to right, / separated) of the path  it shall
drop before it either finds a file, or gives up

if a patch is "unclean" (the existing data doesn't match the expected
data) there is either fuzz (when the data is there but a bit away) or
reject (generating a new , smaller patch file called filename.rej inside
the tree)

so, basically patch is a recipie for :
look at line 23 to 26 in file blabber for  FOO BAR BAZ
Change that to DOFUS FOO BAR 


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