
Nice photos! Thanks for letting us know!


On Monday 14 July 2003 08:05, Sebastian Bergmann wrote:
>   I took some photos [1] of the GENTOO booth at LinuxTag, Europe's biggest
>   Linux and Open Source / Free Software event that was held the last
>   couple of days in Karlsruhe, Germany.
>   It seemed that the people at the GENTOO booth made the same mistake we
>   (the people of the PHP booth) made at the previous LinuxTag events but
>   "fixed" this time: the booth was too crowded by GENTOO people hacking
>   and ignoring visitors. I told several friends how much I like GENTOO
>   so they went to your booth were they were ignored, because none of the
>   "hackers" felt responsible to deal with interested visitors.
>   We remedied this mistake this year by limiting the number of PHP people
>   at the booth drasticaly and used other locations to do the hacking.
>   That way the booth personnel could accomodate the visitors to their --
>   and our -- satisfaction.
>   Hope to see you next year,
> Sebastian
>   --
>   [1]

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