Shouldn't the scripts be running this when mounted as read-only?  If it
can't be done in this traditional way, then reiserfs should not be
considered a production option .... forcing manual intervention with a boot
CD is simply not useful (even if it works).

Tom Veldhouse

----- Original Message -----
From: "Brett I. Holcomb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2003 6:09 PM
Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] Re: ReiserFS said to repaired but isn't :-(

> Yes, it would.  You would need the LiveCD or another partition that can be
> booted.
> > On Mon, 14 Jul 2003 16:11:28 -0400, in gmane.linux.gentoo.user,
> >
> > "Brett I. Holcomb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >You may need to unmount the system to do the repair.
> >
> > Would that mean to start from a different Linux, e.g. from the
> > LiveCD? (Because it's the root file system; when unmounted, no more
> > programs)
> >
> > Best regards,
> > -Heribert
> --
> Brett I. Holcomb
> AKA Grunt <><
> --
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