If you want to build mikmod just for listening to mod files on xmms,
you may want to give the modplugxmms plugin a try. It gives way better
sound quality than mikmod and has better support on some module files
like .it.xm etc...

On 23 Jul 2003 07:45:31 -0700
Spundun Bhatt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have got this problem for a week now. The web server hosting mikmod
> site, seems to be terribly down. I mean it cant even lookup the host
> name. This is what happens
> Another on of those annoying ebuilds which break your favourite emerge
> world -uD :)
> Spundun
> mermaid root # emerge mikmod
> Calculating dependencies ...done!
> >>> emerge (1 of 1) media-sound/mikmod-3.1.6a to /
> >>> Downloading
> http://gentoo.oregonstate.edu/distfiles/patch-mikmod-3.1.6-a
> --07:40:46-- 
> http://gentoo.oregonstate.edu/distfiles/patch-mikmod-3.1.6-a
>            => `/usr/portage/distfiles/patch-mikmod-3.1.6-a'
> Resolving gentoo.oregonstate.edu... done.
> Connecting to gentoo.oregonstate.edu[]:80... connected.
> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
> 07:40:46 ERROR 404: Not Found.
> >>> Downloading
> http://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/distributions/gentoo/distfiles/patch-mikmod-3.1.6-a
> --07:40:46-- 
> http://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/distributions/gentoo/distfiles/patch-mikmod-3.1.6-a
>            => `/usr/portage/distfiles/patch-mikmod-3.1.6-a'
> Resolving distro.ibiblio.org... done.
> Connecting to distro.ibiblio.org[]:80... connected.
> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
> 07:40:46 ERROR 404: Not Found.
> >>> Downloading
> >http://www.mikmod.org/files/patches/patch-mikmod-3.1.6-a
> --07:40:46--  http://www.mikmod.org/files/patches/patch-mikmod-3.1.6-a
>            => `/usr/portage/distfiles/patch-mikmod-3.1.6-a'
> Resolving www.mikmod.org... failed: Host not found.
> !!! Couldn't download patch-mikmod-3.1.6-a. Aborting.
> mermaid root #
> --
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