
    I am in the process of installing Gentoo on my laptop (HP ze5185) and I=
 have a networking question.  I had a great network connection with the l=
iveCD, but now my network card isn't recognized / installed. 

    When I do an 'ifconfig' all I see is the lo setting, not an eth0.  At f=
irst I thought that this was because I had compiled the wrong network dri=
vers in the kernel, so I went back and changed it to the National Semicon=
ductor one listed on the kernel config screen (the network card is Nation=
al Semiconductor Corporation DP83815 (MacPhyter) Ethernet Controller.  th=
is is internal - not a pcmcia card).  However after all this I am still u=
nable to connect to the internet.  Does anyone know what I might be doing=
 wrong?  Thanks for any and all help!

 - Joe :)

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