Hey guys,

Minor problem. I rum showmount on a system (we'll call fanny)

showmount fanny --exports
Export list for fanny:
/vol/data/home  (everyone)
/vol/vol0/vintro topaz

Now I would assume the (everyone) means what it says, everyone can
access it. However when I do:

mount fanny:/vol/data/home /mnt/home

I get:
mount: RPC: Authentication error; why = Client credential too weak

Are there settings that might be misconfigured or something that I need
to change anywhere?


In 1968 it took the computing power of 2 C-64's to fly a rocket to the
moon. Now, in 1998 it takes the Power of a Pentium 200 to run Microsoft
Windows 95. Something must have gone wrong.

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