Michael Gruetzner wrote:
> Hello,
> I've got a Pentium4 mPGA478 and I'd like to enable hyperthreading. The
> output of dmesg tells me, that hyperthreading is disabled and smp
> motherboard not found. My motherboard is a Fujitsu-Siemens D1527 with
> hyperthreading support. According to /proc/cpuinfo the cpu should also
> support hyperthreading(the ht flag is set).
> What do I have to do to enable hyperthreading?
> Thanks
> Michael

What is exactly your CPU référence ? i noticed that my Celeron 2ghz wich
is not HT capable has also the ht flag in /proc/cpuinfo

HT capable Pentium 4 are :
        3.06 Ghz P4B ( FSP533 )
        all the P4C ( FSB800 ) ( 2.4C 2.6C 2.8C 3C ( 3.2C ) )

So, since your motherboard is only FSB533 capable, to enable
hyperthreading you must have a P4 3.06 Ghz, and none other.


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