the weirdest thing has been happening to me @work here on my kde box. 
i'll be using my box for a few hours or so, and out of the blue, my
keyboard stops responding.  the first two times, it while i was in
konsole (yeah, that sucked) and the lastest time was while i was using
kate to edit a php file.

the odd thing about this locking up though is that i don't lose all
functionality.  the mouse, my mp3 player (either noatun or xmms)
continues to function and i can even keep using the konsole by selecting
text with the mouse, and pasting with the middle button.

but the keyboard won't work, and the numlock is non-responsive. (ie. on
stays on, off stays off).

all of this gets magically solved however as soon as i log out and log
back in.  the keyboard comes back like nothing happened....  any ideas?

my stats:

        gentoo: 1.4
        kernel: linux-2.4.20-gentoo-r5
  gcc version: 3.2.3
        CFLAGS: -march=pentium3 -O3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer
  kde version: 3.1.2

thanks for any insight.

war does not determine who is right
only who is left.

  - bertrand russel

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