It would be nice if the logs that emerge creates were compressed
with gzip of even better with bzip2. Another nice feature would be to
automatically erase the old ones. Are these features already
implemented? The reason I'm asking for these because recently I did a
du --max-depth=1 -k /var/log/ and I got:

4       /var/log/news
4       /var/log/emerge
316     /var/log/cups
4       /var/log/mysql
272936  /var/log/portage
152     /var/log/samba
281300  /var/log

270Megs of log files is kinda too much isn't it? ;-) There were logs of
emerges done in May in there! For now I'am erasing these manually
myself but I'd like to find a way to automate it. Thanks!

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