On Fri, 1 Aug 2003 00:05:08 +0200
"D.J. Bolderman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On do, 31 jul 2003, Michael Gruetzner wrote:
> The alsasound zap command seems to work, but I don't get any sound yet
> :(
> Any more suggestions ?
your problem sounds familiar. It could be some kind of deadlock caused
by /etc/init.d/alsasound [start|stop] and|or a stale lock-file.

When you call "alsasound start" on system startup it reads the
settings from /etc/asound.state.
When you call "alsasound stop" on shutdown it writes the settings to
As long as you don't pull the levels up while alsasound is running AND
save them to /etc/asound.state you'll get the former state (nothing) on
the next reboot.

so try while the sytem is running:

1. /etc/init.d/alsasound stop (ignore possible error messages)
2. delete /var/lock/subsys/alsasound if it's still there
3. /etc/init.d/alsasound start (should not complain now)
4. copy /etc/asound.state to /etc/asound.start
5. pull up the levels if that's possible (amix, aumix, alsamixer)
6. /etc/init.d/alsasound stop
7. copy /etc/asound.state to /etc/asound.stop
8. compare those two .start-.stop-files - the settings must now be
   different. If not there's either a mistake in the script or
   alsasound isn't working at all
9./etc/init.d/alsasound start

If I remember correctly my asound.state file was never written or
written on the wrong place or I had a stale /var/lock/subsys/alsasound.

hope it helps, wum

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