On Wed, Aug 13, 2003 at 07:57:27PM +0000, Hemmann, Volker Armin wrote:
> On Wednesday 13 August 2003 17:43, Mark Knecht wrote:
> > Hi,
> >    I'm having a problem understanding how to actually handle a blocked
> > package in emerge and move forward. I've attached a portion of what I'm
> > seeing in my xterm, along with the little bit of the man page on emerge
> > that seems to apply, but I don't know how to go forward properly. I hope
> > someone can give me the emerge 101 lesson on blocked package handling.
> The exactly same problem was already discussed and answered in the mailing 
> list and the GWN.
> Your are obviously lazy, but I answer nonetheless ;o)
> unmerge the blockers.
> The packets that are blocking are from now on provided by perl.
> > [blocks B     ] <dev-perl/ExtUtils-MakeMaker-6.05-r6 (from pkg
> > dev-lang/perl-5.8.0-r12)
> > [blocks B     ] <dev-perl/Test-Simple-0.47-r1 (from pkg
> > dev-lang/perl-5.8.0-r12)
> > [blocks B     ] <dev-perl/File-Spec-0.84-r1 (from pkg
> > dev-lang/perl-5.8.0-r12)
> > [ebuild     U ] dev-lang/perl-5.8.0-r12 [5.8.0-r11]

Just be careful not to do what I did - don't unmerge the blockers until
they appear at the top of the list. I had "emerge -p" output that looked
like this:

   [           U ] (some package)
   [           U ] (some other package)
   [           U ] (some other package...)
   [blocks B     ] <dev-perl/ExtUtils-MakeMaker-6.05-r6 (from pkg 
   [blocks B     ] <dev-perl/Test-Simple-0.47-r1 (from pkg dev-lang/perl-5.8.0-r12)
   [ebuild     U ] dev-lang/perl-5.8.0-r12 [5.8.0-r11]

I unmerged those two blockers before emerging. It turned out that emerge
had dependencies on the functions in those packages, and my further
attempts to emerge failed until I improvised some repairs.

Nathan Meyers

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