On Mon, Aug 11, 2003 at 04:55:32PM -0400, Eric Livingston wrote:
> I'm using a Promise TX4 RAID card to create a four-disk array, made up of
> two pairs of striped, mirrored 60G drives. In other words, I take two 60G
> drives and stripe them together into a 120G partition for performance, then
> mirror that striped pair with another identical to it for data integrity.
> Anyway, fdisk correctly shows that the RAID disk has 120G available on it
> (the sum of the two striped 60G discs), and that almost all of it is
> partitioned into a root partition with a little left over for swap and boot.
> However, df reports that the root partition only has 60G on it. It seems
> like fdisk is correctly querying the pdcraid module and communicating with
> the card to discover the striped 120G virtual disk, while df seems to be
> physically querying one of the physical drives in the array and learning
> it's only 60G in size.

That's weird - df shouldn't be querying drives at all, it should be
looking at filesystems. Have you installed and mounted a filesystem on
that huge root partition?

Nathan Meyers

> I don't really care what df thinks if I've really got the full 120G that
> fdisk and I think I have.
> So, the key question is: am I going to run out of room at 60G or 120G? How
> can I find this out (without trying it, which I'd like to avoid having to
> do...). Is there some other utility that can tell me how much actual,
> physical storage I have on the disk?
> Thanks,
> Eric
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