I just did an emerge -u --deep world. It did not list the gentoo-source
as a package it would upgrade, but I happened to look at the messages
streaming by and saw that it was installing 2.4.20-r6.

I was kind-of surprised that I'd get a new kernel version so stealthily.
qpkg shows I have r5 and r6 installed:

# qpkg -I -v gentoo-source
sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-2.4.20-r5 *
sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-2.4.20-r6 *

I have 2 questions.
How would I have even known this got installed if I hadn't happened to
see it scroll by?

How do I find out what's in r6 to decide if I want to build/install/run

Chris Bare

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