> I'm having total and random freezes... The mouse pointer disappear, the 
> keyboard doesn't do anything (not even pressing Caps Lock turns the light on 
> or off), can anybody give me any clue of where can I start looking for the 
> problem ?

First off, what sort of hardware do you have?  (mb type, chipset, cpu,
speed).  Do you have enough cooling?  Are you overclocking?  

I had some ugly freezes when I put in a A7N8X (asus nforce2 based MB)
due to lack of support.  However, I've been running ac-sources for a
while with 0 problems.  

Another thing to look at is bad ram.  emerge memtest86 and let that run
overnight and see if any errors crop up with your memory.  Another
possible problem.

Personally the two things I've seen that cause linux to crash is are: 
 - unsupported or partially supported hardware
 - bad hardware

What kernel are you running?  Maybe try the vanilla or a "newer" (ie:
ac-sources or gaming-sources) and see if maybe it has support for the
hardware that might be causing the problems.

Run another OS for a while (blashphemy I know) if it's a dual boot box
and see if you have the same problems.  Download a Knoppix ISO image and
burn that and boot with it and run it for a while to see if you have the
same problems.  This might be harder if your freezes are weekly, and not
more frequent of course :)


Alan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http://arcterex.net
"There are only 3 real sports: bull-fighting, car racing and mountain 
climbing. All the others are mere games."                -- Hemingway

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