On Sunday 31 August 2003 05:50 pm, Hemmann, Volker Armin wrote:
> Hi,


> I would not try ext3fs. There were a lot of ext3-bugs on lkml in the same
> time, I never saw jfs related problems. I think, ext3 needs some additional
> bug-sqashing and testing before considering it for a stable environment.

Well... things are getting much, much better WRT ext3...

I've been hosting some 50 odd-brand laptops at work using ext3 as the file 
system. The kernels are 2.4.21 or later. No problems to report. Also, doing 
my part to test the latest 2.6.0 test branch, I've got the latest 2.6.0 
kernel source running on two servers that get hammered pretty hard... running 
ext3. Also no problems related to the filesystem.

Go for it, ext3 ain't that bad. 


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