> > #USE="bindist" emerge -k xfree (This was off CD1)
> >
> > After the reboot and login I did a
> >
> > #US="bindist" emerge -k kde   (This was off CD2)
> >
> > CD2 has a ton of apps.

Gentoo is very new to me. 

Coming from Mandrake9.0. Where everything is basically done for you. I think that 
everything is
automounted as well?. Am I going to have to mount everything to get stuff working the 
way that I
would like...I..E...KDE desktop...If so is there some directions on how this done?

All that I have available currently is the command line. And I'm not sure how to start 
from the commandline. E..G...I thought that I loaded XFree which I thought was the 
base package 
needed as a base before loading any other desktops or gui things like KDE and such? 
Please help me
understand this..:)

Or can I just start KDE without the use of XFee? What are the commands to do this?
I su to root and try to startx from the root  / directory:
command not found

When I look at the installed packages (emerge -cp world | more) I don't see xfee on 
the list which
is strange because I know that it loaded it when I was doing the intial install on CD1 
#USE="bindist" emerge -k xfree (This was off CD1)

There's definitely allot of KDE packages though.

Again this all way new to me. No problem though :) I'm learning a ton. This is how I 
started linux in the first place.

What I would preferably like to do is everytime that I login have a KDE desktop and 
not have to
tell linux to mount this or that to look at the file system or load a cd or anything. 
I really
don't understand why this is needed or how I would get things to automount at bootup. 
Or is this
something that I want happening...Again I'm new so I don't have much of a clue what 
I'm talking
about. Just trying to convey what I'm trying to do.

Thanks everyone.


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