My pet monkey insists that on Sep 09 2003 at 02:44PM
gabriel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> warbled:

> On Tue, 2003-09-09 at 09:27, Nicholas Potter wrote:
> > I have the same card on a laptop (i810), and it seems to be loaded in the
> > kernel, but I will be damned if I can get the sound to work at all.  The
> > driver is compiled into the kernel, and dmesg gives that it is loading
> > properly, but I can't get any sound.
> it sounds like a terrible solution, but here it is: go out and buy
> another sound card.  they're like $20 these days (for an ok one) and the
> time and energy i poured into getting mine to work (it never did) was
> just not worth it.

I suspect that's quite difficult when it comes to a laptop ;-)

 .~.       Terry Churchill : [EMAIL PROTECTED]          .''`.
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