There's also a frontend to parted, called QTparted. Which i heard looks a LOT like pqmagic.

Try it out.

On Wed, 2003-09-10 at 01:43, Eric Ball wrote:
On Monday September 8 2003 02:26 pm, Kevin Miller, Jr. wrote:
> Does anyone know where I can get a reasonably priced copy of
> Partition Magic?  When I deleted my other partitions in Windows, I
> inadvertently deleted the Linux partition I created with PM a year
> ago.  Damn Microsoft!!! Got fix that before I can reinstall Gentoo:(
> Kevin

You could try testdisk, a program that scans your hard drive for 
partitions and recreates them.

It's saved me before from bizarre interpretations of user instructions 
by the Microsoft disk management mmc snap-in.


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