Am Mittwoch, 24. September 2003 12:11 schrieb ext Gour:

> I did manually all the steps according to INSTALL.initrd and copied
> linuxrc from evms-2.1.1 tarball, but still no success.

EVMS devs now also provide an initrd, maybe you want to try that.

> Several mount points are not mounted (eg. /usr, /usr/portage, /sbin),

/sbin??? Anyway, it's not in your fstab, so I consider it a typo :-)

> while others are (eg. /opt/ /var ..).

That's good. So you have no problem to mount /dev/evms/lv_root and some of 
the others, right. For those which don't mount, do you get any error 
message? Some guesses: Wrong filesystem, mount point not there?

> Here is the fstab:

Looks good.

> I'm also considering that data on /dev/evms/lv_root are not properly
> copied from the present / partition, so the question is howto migrate
> data from present / partition to /dev/evms/lv_root, ie. howto migrate bin
> dev etc lib mnt proc root sbin service share tmp directories which are
> under /?

mount the new root somewhere, i.e. /mnt/newroot
cd /
tar clf - .|(cd /mnt/newroot; tar xBpvf -)
vi /mnt/newroot/etc/fstab
umount /mnt/newroot


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