I just finished installing Gentoo on an older machine. I've just finished doing 
"system -u update"
and so I've basically have a system ready to go to the next stage of getting a window 

This is where my Newbness comes in. Since merging over to linux from windows which did 
for me.. Heh..heh.. I tried Mandrake and found that Mandrake was a painless install. 
It basically
did everything for me as well, just allot more to choose from versus M$ and its free.

My goal is to try out a lightweight "window manager" but all that I've been used to is 
is KDE or GNOME. 
KDE is a fatty and although I like it allot it seems to need a ton of memory and is 
all around
resource hog. Plus I only use it for the following:

Web Browser
Text Editor
Konsole or Console shell
Listening to music and occassionally watching mpegs or avi's.
I use Gaim for Instant Messenging, Ethereal for sniffing traffic for troubleshooting, 
and use
Shorewall firewall for its ability of Natting or Masq'ing so that more than one person 
can share
the Internet Connection.

Where my confusion comes in is the terms used. I just assumed that KDE was my linux 
face so to
say. But then I see terms like:
Window Manager...kind-of understand this..The thing thats incharge of drawing the 
Session Manager...Not sure what this does or the huge difference between different 
versions are.
Theme Manager....kind-of understand this..This lets you Jazz-up your windows 
environment I think..

And this is where I get confused.  Is there a simple not (totally ugly) window manager 
that I can
use on my old machine and still be able to use the simple things that I use above? 

By the way...I just wanted to thank everyone for taking the time that responded to my 
posts. You've helped a ton.

I'm on my 3rd pc with Gentoo Rocking and Rolling. Now I just need to get simple 
networking/file/print/sharing down and I will be able replace everything at my moms 
home business
saving here probably around 10 thousand $US.. 

Joshua Banks

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