I'm not an expert at all, but I'm enjoying window maker a lot.
It's got a lot of nice features, like multiple desktops and high
configurability, without fill your memory. I think it's a good
compromisea and If you are used to KDE,
you'll be surprised by the short time it takes to start...


On Sep 25 at 01:36AM-0700, Joshua Banks wrote:
> I just finished installing Gentoo on an older machine. I've just finished doing 
> "system -u update"
> and so I've basically have a system ready to go to the next stage of getting a 
> window manager
> installed.
> This is where my Newbness comes in. Since merging over to linux from windows which 
> did everything
> for me.. Heh..heh.. I tried Mandrake and found that Mandrake was a painless install. 
> It basically
> did everything for me as well, just allot more to choose from versus M$ and its free.
> My goal is to try out a lightweight "window manager" but all that I've been used to 
> is installing
> is KDE or GNOME. 
> KDE is a fatty and although I like it allot it seems to need a ton of memory and is 
> all around
> resource hog. Plus I only use it for the following:
> Web Browser
> Text Editor
> Konsole or Console shell
> Listening to music and occassionally watching mpegs or avi's.
> I use Gaim for Instant Messenging, Ethereal for sniffing traffic for 
> troubleshooting, and use
> Shorewall firewall for its ability of Natting or Masq'ing so that more than one 
> person can share
> the Internet Connection.
> Where my confusion comes in is the terms used. I just assumed that KDE was my linux 
> face so to
> say. But then I see terms like:
> Window Manager...kind-of understand this..The thing thats incharge of drawing the 
> windows..
> Session Manager...Not sure what this does or the huge difference between different 
> versions are.
> Theme Manager....kind-of understand this..This lets you Jazz-up your windows 
> environment I think..
> And this is where I get confused.  Is there a simple not (totally ugly) window 
> manager that I can
> use on my old machine and still be able to use the simple things that I use above? 
> By the way...I just wanted to thank everyone for taking the time that responded to 
> my previous
> posts. You've helped a ton.
> I'm on my 3rd pc with Gentoo Rocking and Rolling. Now I just need to get simple 
> linux/unix
> networking/file/print/sharing down and I will be able replace everything at my moms 
> home business
> saving here probably around 10 thousand $US.. 
> Thanks,
> Joshua Banks
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