On Sunday 28 September 2003 21:45, SMS WebMaster wrote:
> Hi
> I have 2 External USB Harddisk (Pocket Hard Disk and Mini Hard Disk)
> How can make gentoo allways assign "/backup" for the  Pocket Hard Disk
>    even if I plug before "Mini Hard Disk",
> Any help ?

try putting this in /etc/hotplub/usb/usb-storage for every device you want to 
handle with hotplug :

my /etc/hotplug/usb/usb-storage script is made of different entries like this 
one :
if [ "$PRODUCT" = "ed1/6680/100" ]; then
        chmod 777 /mnt/usbkey
        mount `ls /dev/sd?? -d --sort=time|head -n 1` -t vfat -o umask=000 
        echo "#!/bin/bash" > $REMOVER
        echo "# Generic USB Flash Keyring" >> $REMOVER
        echo "umount /mnt/usbkey" >> $REMOVER
        echo "rmmod usb-storage" >> $REMOVER
        echo "chmod 700 /mnt/usbkey" >> $REMOVER
        chmod a+x $REMOVER

you can find what to put in the if line with usbview or dmesg, it's 
manufacturer/product/version without the zero padding

good luck.

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