On Sun Sep 28, 2003 at 09:29:09PM -0400 or thereabouts, Chris I wrote:
> On 2003.09.28 03:39, Patrick Marquetecken wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >Sometimes i find spam mail in my inbox. I pipe mail that not belong  
> >to
> >a
> >mailinglist with procmail true spamc.
> >If i save that mail as file and run formail -s procmail < mail then  
> >it
> >is in my spam folder. Can anyone point me out where i have made a
> >mistake.
> >I have attacht my procmailrc
> >#Spam controle voor andere mails
> >:0fw
> >| spamc
> >
> >:0
> >* ^X-Spam-Status: Yes
> >subfolders/Spam/mbox/new/.
> Should work, procmail-wise. Here is my abbreviated spam-catching  
> section:
> -------------------------------
> :0fw
> | spamc -f
> #Spam hits
> :0
> * ^X-Spam-Flag: YES
> $MAILDIR/.Spam/
> :0
> -------------------------------
> Your mailing lists are still being sorted, I assume? Try replacing  
> spamc with spamassassin, and see if that works (stand-alone vs. client- 
> server).
> Maybe permissions procmail runs with don't allow it to connect to  
> spamd? I'm not terribly familiar with the inner workings of sa.
> --
An interesting note for me is that when I use :0fw   | spamc -f in my
.procmailrc file. When I retrieve mail using getmail, it slows getmail
down and even will not allow getmail to complete. If I don't use that
recipe, getmail functions as it should. Any ideas?


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