On 1 Oct 2003, at 5:15 am, Ian Truelsen wrote:

I just installed qmail and courier-imap and I am sending and receiving
email. Courier-imap processes are running on my server, but I am not
able to access any of the folders with sylpheed (0.9.4).

I have set up courier-imap with the authpam module and
authdaemond.plain. I have told courier to listen on I am
includung my imapd, authdaemond.conf and authdaemonrc files, in case
someone can see something obvious that I have missed. I apologize in
advance for the length.

Can someone give me some pointers on how to troubleshoot this?
Everything seems to be working, but sylpheed just won't see it. Any help
would be greatly appreciated.

I don't know if I can be helpful, but I like courier-imap and find it interesting, so always like to respond to posts on this subject if I can.

Courier-IMAP, or imap in general, seems to be a bit quirky about its clients. As I understand this, it's because the RFCs on IMAP are unclearly written, and the "standards" are open to interpretation. The maintainers of the major IMAP servers seem unable to resolve this, apparently preferring to dispute matters.

I found this useful when I first started with Courier: http://www.inter7.com/courierimap/README.imap.html
You might also read this & contact the poster to see if he has resolved his issues - I think they are similar to yours. http://www.tmtm.org/cgi-bin/w3ml/sylpheed/msg/19594

Finally: how do you know Courier is running OK..?
Are you able to connect to it with some other mail-client..?
Can you see the contents of the Inbox, either with Slypheed, or anything else..?
Did you create your Maildir & its subfolders using the `maildirmake` connand..?

I have found Netscape, kMail, Outlook Distress, Squirrelmail & Apple's Mail.app all to work immediately, or with just a little tweaking. The significant issue, however, is the way that sub-folders are handled - this is the chief cause of quirkiness that I recall. Pine & Mutt can also be stroppy with Courier-IMAP, and I was able to get neither working _quite_ to my satisfaction. I seem to remember I was able to run Courier-IMAP with some verbose logging & to tail the end of the logfile when I connected; this confirmed, at least, that my username & password were being transferred correctly. You might try emerging squirrelmail to see if that works with your server.



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