On Sun, 2003-09-21 at 08:33, Marshal Newrock wrote:
> On Sun, 21 Sep 2003, Janne Johansson wrote:
> > > If the laptop's not plugged in, after about 10-20 seconds rpc gives up
> > > with destination unreachable and the filesystem just doesn't mount.
> >
> > Yup. If you are worried about the delay, you can always take it out of
> > the fstab and mount it manually.
> It seems to me that a speedup would be to first attempt to ping the host,
> and if that succeeds, then try to mount the NFS share.  This would have to
> be optional, of course, since some hosts may be configured not to reply to
> pings.

A bit late on this, but you can setup dhcpcd to execute a script when a
machines ip is updated. Just add "-c /etc/dhcpc/dhcpcd-eth0.exe" to your
dhcpcd_eth0="" variable in /etc/conf.d/networks. Then every time dhcpcd
receives an update it will run the script dhcpcd-eth0.exe with the path
to the new info file and some other parameters (they're in the man

The info files are setup as VAR="value" so you can just source $1 in the
script to get the new info, then you can do things like:

if [ ${DHCPSHADDR} = "XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX" ]; then
        #mount nfs shares/samba shares here

Just put your dhcp servers mac address in for "XX:XX..." and it will run
the code whenever eth0's ip is modified by dhcp. There are a few
caveats, but that is the basic idea. If anyone has questions, let me
know and I'll write up something with more in depth examples.


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