On Sunday 05 October 2003 22:02, Peter Ruskin wrote:
> /etc/hosts:
> peter.ruskin peter # Peter's linux/Windows box
> kroh.ruskin kroh # Liese's linux/Windows box

> /etc/nsswitch.conf: (never looked at this one)
> hosts:       files dns

> from mail.log:
> Oct  3 01:28:13 kroh postfix/qmgr[2084]: D2C2F90F9A:
> from=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, size=316, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
> Oct  3 01:28:24 kroh postfix/smtp[4250]: D2C2F90F9A:
> to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, orig_to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, relay=none, delay=11,
> status=bounced (Name service error for name=peter.ruskin type=A: Host
> not found)

That's quite strange. Postfix has correctly resolved the machine name peter to 
peter.ruskin through the use of /etc/hosts - probably through a glibc call. 
My guess is that postfix is configured to specifically get the A record from 
DNS for security (rather than simply asking for an IP) which /etc/hosts does 
not provide. I haven't got time right now so I can't do it myself, but check 
postfix to see if you can turn off DNS checks. I think there's some sort of 
option to turn off canonifacation (or however you spell it ;-) which may fix 
your problem.


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