On Tue, 2003-10-07 at 08:51, SMS WebMaster wrote:

> I installed vanilla-source and now when I want to compile it (after 
> coping .config to /etc/kernels/default-config)

> My question is why genkernel said :  config type: non-gentoo (default)  !!!!

The "non-gentoo (default)" message is simply the message that goes 
along with using /etc/kernels/default-config. Genkernel currently looks 
for three config files in the following order:

        reported as "gentoo (customized)"
        reported as "gentoo (default)"
        reported as "non-gentoo (default)"

Genkernel will use the first config it finds, so if 
config-(kernel-verison) exists then kernel-config and default-config
will not be read. Each of these configs is used in the exact same way, 
so the 'non-gentoo' message only means that genkernel didn't find one 
of the other configs. The only thing to watch out for is if you run 
'genkernel --config' and customize your settings, then genkernel will 
automatically copy the new config to 
so from then on default-config will have no effect.

Hope this helps,


PS: (kernel-version) in the above refers to everything after linux- in 
the directory your /usr/src/linux symlink points to. So if 
/usr/src/linux links to /usr/src/linux-2.4.20-gentoo-r7, then 
(kernel-version) will be 2.4.20-gentoo-r7.

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