On Tue, 2003-10-07 at 23:42, Andrew Gaffney wrote:

> Damn, I knew I should have done a diff before blindly copying that one 
> over my existing one. Now everything is borked. I'm getting 403 errors 
> on my scripts in /cgi-bin.

Are you using the stable apache2 build? The stable apache2's don't use
/var/www/localhost yet. If you look at your commonapache2.conf file
you'll notice that the directory alias's are set to /var/www/localhost
for the 2.0.47-r1 ebuild. Your files are probably still in /home/httpd
correct? If so, to fix the commonapache2.conf file you copied over you
can run:

"perl -pi -e 's|var/www/localhost|home/httpd|;'

This code is based on the substitution done in the 2.0.47.ebuild if you
want to verify it first. All it does is substitute each occurance of
var/www/localhost with home/httpd. 

Sorry I forgot about the /var/www/localhost change,


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