On Wed, Oct 08, 2003 at 09:38:34PM +0100, Richard Revis wrote:
> I have just got back after 3 months away and got home to find that my
> boxes have finished running an emerge -up world (ha, nope, I started it
> remotely, it's not been running for 3 months - my machines aren't _that_
> old).
> Anyway, the only problem seems to be with Gnome 2.4 and epiphany - Gnome
> won't build without it (or at least, I can't find how to disable it) and
> it requires Mozilla 1.4 built with gcc 2.x.
> I don't really want to recompile Mozilla with gcc 2.x (after the pain of
> getting the 3.x Java plug in working). Is there a work around?

Strange, I had no problems with this at all (though I did upgrade to
gnome 2.4 when it went into ~x86, not stable).  Where/how does it tell
you that mozilla has to be built with gcc 2.x?  My mozilla compiled just
dandy with 3.2.3 (stable x86), and when I compiled epiphany 1.0.1 a
couple of days ago I didn't see anything about it requiring a 2.x
compiled moz...


Alan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http://arcterex.net
"There are only 3 real sports: bull-fighting, car racing and mountain 
climbing. All the others are mere games."                -- Hemingway

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