
Since today i cannot login anymore.

When i try to login via X/KDE Login Screen, the x server crashes while KDE
is loading. When i try to log in via a text console, the system behaves
very strange. I enter my login-name, press enter, awaiting the
loginmanager aks for my password, but this doesn't happen. After entering
my username and pressing enter, it says "login incorrect" without asking
for a password.

I don't think that i changed anything important since the last reboot, but
maybe i just can't remember. I also checked the logfiles, but found
nothing interesting in it...

I re-emerged (after playing aroung with the gentoo live cd to get the
sources) pam and pam-login, but nothing happened.

Has anyone any idea, what causes this strange behaviour and what can be
done to solve this problem?


                 Markus Trautwein

Fachschaft Mathematik/Physik/Informatik, TU Muenchen
           SET Referent / SET Party Orga

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