so, did that help, or not? it's unclear to me from your post.
Sorry, I didn't get you in the first place.
Now I've tried what you said - it took some time because I didn't have time for further testing - and it didn't help :-(

I commented out the "Modes"-lines as you said and the the complete "Modes"-section with all the modelines. I managed to get the 1400x1050 resolution. But working with xvidtune was not successful. The more I tuned to reach higher refresh rates (wider) the more the whole screen went to the left hand side of the monitor. It more and more disappeared there. Even moving the screen to the right (right) stopped helping at around 68 Hz refresh rate.
I wonder why, because I already generated good modelines for 81 Hz and even 75 Hz using SuSE and Sax2. It worked then quite well. But Gentoo dislikes those modelines.
I tried to use them (removed the #'s) and tried again the way you told me - it wouldn't use 1400x1050. It jumps from 1600x1200 to 1280x1024 directly. I just don't understand that. The 1400x... modelines worked with the very same graphics card and the very same monitor. No hardware has changed, only software. But can that explain that behaviour?

So, thank you for your help. Nevertheless I learned something 'bout configuring.


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