A. S. Budden wrote:
Thus spake Stephen Liu:

Kindly advise. Thanks in advance.

emerge package # download and compile

How can I know they are available on net/website

If you know the name of the package, have a look in /usr/portage with find, e.g.

cd /usr/portage
find . -name 'rolo' -maxdepth 2
find . -name 'openoffice*' -maxdepth 2

Alternatively, have a trawl through the online package listing on the
gentoo website.

Or try emerge search <name> e.g. emerge search kde

emerge -k package # try to use a precompile binary, or download and compile

During installation of Gentoo OS, I have encountered difficulty on running

# emerge -k kde
# emerge -k xfree

Each took 2+ hours respectively without completion compelling me to reboot the PC. The download time was short but the installation time was endless with screen running continuously.

There probably aren't any binaries available for you system or something, so it's compiling from source. This takes a LONG time! I'm currently installing qt, kde and a few other bits and bobs on my fairly fast PC... it's taken 2 hours so far and I don't expect it to finish for a while. Write a list of what you want to install, save it in (say) emergenext.txt, then do

emerge -p `cat emergenext.txt`

check the results, then do the same without the -p.  Then go home for
the weekend.  You never know, it might be done!

Just installed gentoo and from the base install it took about a day to compile and install kde (including all it's dependencies like XFree86). This is on an Athlon 1.3

Root installs, user runs.

Where shall I untar the tarball, on which folder? Will installation find the right folder automatically.

Don't. Let portage do the work. Just use emerge.

Try mounting the CD then running PKGIR=/path/to/packages/on/cd emerge -k kde (obviously specifying the right path)

This might only save you the download though, not the compile, plus I've not tried it myself, this is from reading the portage manual (http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/portage-manual.xml).


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