On Mon, 13 Oct 2003 12:51:47 -0400
Ernie Schroder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Openoffice-bin will definately install faster (26 minutes on my box) 
> but at the expense of some speed running the app later. Openoffice 
> will take a  l    o    n    g  time to compile. (according to my logs 
> 37 hrs & 20 min) My box is an Athlon XP2100 with 512 Megs RAM

It took a bit more than 15 hours on a Celeron 2.2 with 256MB RAM. I was using
the computer while compiling most of the time (playing mp3, browsing web, etc.)

/~\ The ASCII        Andrej "Ticho" Kacian <andrej at kacian dot sk>
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"The only excuse for god is that he doesn't exist."
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