On Mon, 2003-10-13 at 04:52, Mike Williams wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Tuesday 14 October 2003 09:49, SMS WebMaster wrote:
> > After upgrading to gnome 2.4 now everytime I emerge any program I got at
> > the end :
> >
> > ['gnome-base/gnome-applets', '2.2.2', 'r0']
> > ['gnome-base/gnome-applets-2.2.2', 'gnome-base/gnome-applets-2.4.0']
> > !!! COUNTER file is missing for gnome-base/gnome-applets-2.2.2 in /var/db.
> > !!! Please run /usr/lib/portage/bin/fix-db.pl or remerge the package.
> >
> > IF I run /usr/lib/portage/bin/fix-db.pl I got :
> >
> > Grabbing db contents...
> > Grabbing mtimes...
> > fix-db: fatal: insufficient data for app-dicts/dictd-dicts-1.0
> >
> > Remove this package's directory from /var/db/pkg to fix this, then start
> > this
> > script again. If everything worked correctly, you must remerge
> > app-dicts/dictd-dicts-1.0 to not mess up any dependencies.
> >
> > Any Help ? (nothing in google/gentoo.org)
> Remove the directory, and gnome-applets-2.2.2, and any others that complain in 
> the same way later.
> If you have them installed, install them again afterwards, otherwise your 
> done.

I've been running into this too with LOTS of packages.  It seems like it
could take hours to get the whole mess fixed.  It also worries me that
this is all of a sudden happening, right after a recent portage update. 

-sloan poe

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