On Wednesday 15 October 2003 02:08, Peter Ruskin wrote:
> On Tuesday 14 Oct 2003 14:15, Sami Näätänen wrote:
> > If you really want to safe those modules add /lib/modules to your
> > CONFIG_PROTECT and then all modules which would be deleted by an
> > unmerge wont be deleted.
> Thanks Sami.  I also have the same problem with i2c and lm-sensors.
> I've added the following to /etc/make.conf:
> /var/qmail/control \
> /usr/share/config \
> /usr/kde/2/share/config \
> /usr/kde/3/share/config \
> /usr/include/linux \
> /lib/modules \
> /lib/modules/2.4.22_pre2-gss \
> /lib/modules/2.4.22_pre2-gss/misc \
> /lib/modules/2.4.23_pre6-gss-r1/misc \
> /lib/modules/2.4.23_pre6-gss-r1"

Take everything else out of the CONFIG_PROTECT but the /lib/modules.
All of the other dirs are allready in the config protect and you don't 
want to config protect /usr/include/linux.

You also don't need to protect the individual kernel dirs under the
/lib/modules/, because the /lib/modules allready protects them.

After this:

emerge info

Look what seems to be missing and add them.

I got this and I haven't set CONFIG_PROTECT in my make.conf.

CONFIG_PROTECT="/etc /usr/kde/2/share/config /usr/kde/3/share/config /
usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb /usr/kde/3.1/share/config /usr/share/texmf/tex/
generic/config/ /usr/share/texmf/tex/platex/config/ /usr/share/config /
var/qmail/control /var/qmail/alias"

So as you can see portage takes care of quite a few of those allready.

One other thing you might want set is CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK

This unprotects the given directories so that the config files can be 
overwriten. Makes less work for etc-update, but has the down side of 
not protecting the files. I think that this is not so important 
anymore, because etc-update can automerge protected files that are not 
modified by hand. But I haven't changed it because it works like I 
want. :)

I set this in my make.conf:

CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK="/etc/gconf /etc/init.d /usr/kde /etc/X11/xkb /etc/
X11/xdm /etc/X11/xserver /etc/X11/xsm /etc/X11/xinit /etc/env.d"

> > Now that etc-update supports auto merging the current kernel
> > (/usr/src/ linux) will be even updated without you needing to make
> > anything, because the mtime, size and md5 sum of the nvidia module
> > is the same as the earlier install and thus etc-update will auto
> > update it.
> Not sure I understand this.

Just that when an update comes available then the update prosess will 
install the module as ._cfg*****nvidia.o to the kernel that is 
currently linked through /usr/src/linux. So when you etc-update the 
system the automerge feature merges this new file if you haven't 
modified the original installed file. If you have disabled this 
automerging then you need to manually update in the etc-update the 
module as you will every other config file.

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