On Wed, 2003-10-15 at 15:11, Chase Jeffery D wrote:
> Hi everyone!  I'm compiling my own kernel and am using
> gentoo-sources.  Does anyone have a recommended list of options to
> choose in genkernel --config.  I'm trying to get netfilter/iptables to
> compile correctly and its not working….  Basically I want a Fast
> kernel that will allow me to use netfilter/iptable to setup a
> firewall?  Any help would be great!!!
> Thanks,
>         Jeff

First of all do not send emails in HTML format!
Many people dislike HTML emails including me :)

Second, answer on your sort of question:
If you want to compile your own kernel, whatever that exactly means,
then why are you using genkernel?
Genkernel isn´t perfect.

I tried genkernel too to configure a 2.4.x kernel but didn´t work for me
either. Best way is to manually configure the kernel.

Go to /usr/src/linux and do a make menuconfig and select the things you
need for your current hardware.
After that make dep clean && make bzImage modules modules_install
Then copy the bzImage from /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/ into your
/boot and configure your bootloader.

Offtopic, I am running the 2.6.0 test kernel atm.

Thats all,
Yee Chie Tu

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