Well if you want two servers to access the same data, you need to store
that data on external disks. Install cluster software so that if server
one goes down server two can access that data.
This is all theorie. I have no idee how to do it in "real life" for
There are people on this list who know, how to do this.


On Thu, 2003-10-16 at 18:56, Matthias F. Brandstetter wrote:
> Hi all,
> I need a mailsystem for around 2.000 POP3 accounts (and SMTP for them of 
> course) and and I want to implement that in a safe way. So I thougt I 
> setup some kind of backup server with the same config and then make a new, 
> but higher MX record for this domain to that backup mailserver, right?
> Question: Sure, I can make a 1:1 copy of the 1st server, but if that one 
> goes down and the 2nd is handling all the mails, how can users reach their 
> "old" mails from primary server? Is it possible somehow to implement a 
> "fulltime" copy (so that both server have always the same content on 
> them), or do I have to sync the mail data over night for example?
> Thx for all your answers and hints!
> Greetings, Matthias
Insufficient facts always invite danger.
-- Spock, "Space Seed", stardate 3141.9

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