On Thursday 16 Oct 2003 23:03, Ian Truelsen wrote:
> On Thu, 16 Oct 2003 21:56:53 +0100 (BST)
> "Dhruba Bandopadhyay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > <quote who="Ian Truelsen">
> >
> > > I am looking to get a new video card for my desktop (the old
> > > Voodoo 3 is starting to show its age). What I would like to know
> > > is which of the big two nVidia or ATI are better supported under
> > > Linux for framebuffer stuff and for DRI.
> > >
> > > Given the choice between the two, which would you choose for
> > > Linux?
> >
> > When I bought my card recently, that was exactly my question.  What
> > is (1) the most powerful card that (2) makes no noise and (3) works
> > perfectly in linux?
> >
> > The answer I concluded upon was the "Asus V9520 Magic/T GeForce FX
> > 5200 128MB (GX-013-AS)".  That's the sixth card down on the link
> > below.
> Great minds think alike. That is the board that I bought today.
> Installed without a hitch and gets 3D accel right out of the box. The
> only problem that I have is that it does not see to like the frame
> buffer modes from grub. I had vga=794 in my grub line, which worked
> fine for my Voodoo3, but results in a blank black screen for the
> nVidia.
> I enabled the frambuffer setup in the kernel, but the only option
> that I saw there was for the riva, which I enabled but doesn't seem
> to get the proper functionality.

That's why you have a problem.  Don't enable riva fb.  Choose VESA fb 
instead.  I use vga791 with no problem on my Asus V9560.

Portage 2.0.49-r13 (default-x86-1.4, gcc-3.2.3, glibc-2.3.2-r1, 
i686 AMD Athlon(tm) XP 3200+

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