Hey folks.

Decided to move my gentoo install from a very old and slow SCSI drive
to a spare IDE I had kicking around.  I partitioned the disk and then
used rsync to sync /boot and / (using -ax to archive and not cross
device boundries for things like /proc or /dev).  All went well until I
tried to get a bootloader installed on the new drive.

Running grub or grub-install gave me messages about "file missing" on
files (stage1/stage2) that were indeed there.  I figured that maybe
running from inside a chroot shell wasn't the best idea so I rebooted
onto a knoppix CD and ran grub-install and then grub there.  Same sort
of problems.  

Then I tried lilo, which had no problems installing but when I ran it it
just gave me wither "L" or endless "LILO LILO LILO [etc]".  Tried
running through liloconfig and telling it to start fresh and install
lilo in my MBR but that gave me the same results.

I don't have any of the specific errors available now (put the machine
back the way it was to keep my email server going :) but will probably
try again tomorrow night.  Anyone have any ideas on what is going on?  I
am pretty sure that wiping out the MBR properly (any tools to do this
other than a windows boot disk and running fdisk /mbr?) or a low level
format of the drive (in case it's reporting back information back to the
BIOS or OS) would do the trick, but would welcome a simpler way :)


Alan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http://arcterex.net
"There are only 3 real sports: bull-fighting, car racing and mountain 
climbing. All the others are mere games."                -- Hemingway

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