On Monday 20 October 2003 22:53, Mikhail wrote:
> On 09:07 Mon 20 Oct     , brett holcomb wrote:
> > Yes, if you compile for an AMD and put it on a K6 I can
> > see where it would break.  But shouldn't it work if you
> > compile each machine for itself - that is on the 486 you
> > install Gentoo with 486 optimization, the AMD gets it's
> > own optimization, etc.  A cluster isn't much use if it has
> > to have all identical hardware.
> well - that's how openmosix works. app. is being ran on another node. So I
> would say it is very close to if you run binary on another machine by
> copying it over there and executing.
> That's the problem with optimization - if you run binary on PI, [binary is]
> optimized for Athlon, - most likely it will not work over there. Yes, you
> can have mixed hardware on openmosix cluster - just use the same
> optimization on all nodes (e.g. march=i586, etc. So that you are sure all
> nodes will be able to run it).

You don't need to have the same optimization; you just need to be able to 
support the minimum hardware. eg:
P1: -march=pentium -mcpu=pentium
P4: -march=pentium -mcpu=pentium4

It won't give you as good a optimization as your regular -march=pentium4 but 
it will give you the best of both world.


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