On Tuesday 21 October 2003 11:47 am, Eric Livingston wrote:
> I'm curious regarding the penetration of linux as a comprehensive
> solution for all computing tasks in a normal day. i.e. what percentage
> of Linux users are 100% linux, or even 100% Gentoo for that matter.

 00:06:01 up 8 days,  6:16,  7 users,  load average: 1.03, 0.89, 0.51

i occasionly had to boot into windows (98) to visit one particular website
that only works properly with ie, but i just found out i can use konquerer 
(netscape 4.29 and mozilla 1.4 don't work).  so, i'm now 100% linux, and 
100% gentoo at the moment.

before i discovered mplayer i tended to keep my computer running windows 
so i could watch dvds, and everything else i did was within cygwin (unless 
browsing the internet when lynx couldn't cut it).  gentoo makes installing 
mplayer a total breeze (it wasn't fun installing on suse 8.3).

> I'm really wondering how many folks out there are so fully converted to
> Linux in both work and play that they would literally be unfamiliar with
> XP, for instance, having never used it.

i've only used it on other people's computers, as i'm the resident 
computer guru here in these army barracks, and they're all too ignorant to 
go to support.microsoft.com.  xp seems very strange to me, as i never got 
past 98.

On Tue, 21 Oct 2003, tony Scharf wrote:

> I am NOT 100% linux, and I will tell you why: I am a musician.  
> currently, there are NO apps that can even come close to comparing to
> the capability and features of their windows/mac counterparts.

what apps do you use in windows?  i am an electronic musician, and all i 
use is linux.  i do use cool edit 96 under wine for audiofile editing.

> I personaly would love to see linux compete in the audio realm, but with
> the current hardware support being as abysmal as it is, and the simple
> fact that the music apps are VERY far behind, I dont see it happening
> anytime soon.  I am currently emersing myself in C++ so that I can
> eventually contribute to these projects.

hardware support being abysmal?  what hardware are you using?  something
like the creamware pulsar?

check out the linux-audio-user (lau) and linux-audio-dev (lad) lists.

i try to do too much, without really doing much of anything.

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